When I started with Scala, I struggled a lot to find beginner friendly articles for many areas. Now I hope that I can write some Scala articles which are (hopefully) beginner friendly.
Introduction Recently, at work, there was a requirement to list out the direct dependencies of the our SBT project, something like Bill Of...
Learn how to leverage Scala-CLI to build, compile, and run pure Java applications efficiently, using the power of the Scala ecosystem. ·...
Make your tests more readable and maintainable · Introduction To manage the software's quality, it is essential to cover the methods with...
How to leverage Scala-CLI, Scala Toolkit, and Scastie to kickstart your journey into the exciting Scala world. · This blog is a beginner-friendly guide...
Empowering Your Testing Strategy: A Close Look at ZIO Test 'Aspects' for Effortless and Effective Handling of Cross-Cutting Concerns · 1....
Introduction ScalaTest is one of the most popular and oldest testing libraries in Scala. As a result, it is used by a huge majority of the Scala...