ScalaNative - Build Native Applications In Scala

ScalaNative - Build Native Applications In Scala

Learn how to build native applications using Scala Native, an ahead-of-time compiler plugin that doesn't require JVM for execution. Discover how to easily incorporate C code into your Scala projects and how to make HTTP calls using the powerful curl library. Read on to get an understanding of Scala Native and create high-performance, native applications.


Scala started as a language that runs on JVM and is interoperable with existing Java libraries. However, running on JVM has some limitations. Especially, the apps running on JVM has slow to startup and also takes a good amount of memory. This makes the JVM based applications not so suitable for running on machines with low specs. Also, long startup time makes it less usable for building short lived applications like command line tools or aws lambdas.

Due to these problems, Scala team has developed Scala-Native. In this blog, let's look at what is Scala Native and how to use it.

About Scala Native

Scala Native is an ahead-of-time compiler plugin for building native applications. Scala Native enables to write Scala code and create native applications that doesn't need JVM to execute. Scala Native plugin converts the Scala code directly into machine language and hence JVM is not needed for execution of the application.

Advantages of Scala Native

Some of the advantages of Scala Native are:

  • Faster Startup and lower memory footprint

  • Utilise almost all powers of the Scala Language to build Native application

  • Interoperability with native C code (and also C++/Rust)

  • Better control of features like memory allocation to improve performance on low spec machines

How it works ?

Scala Native Compiler compiles the Scala files into an intermediate format called Native Intermediate Representation (NIR). NIR is an intermediate format which captures additional information like low level primitives, linking hints etc. This format is then converted into LLVM IR format. LLVM IR is an intermediate format before the code is converted into the machine language. Languages like C, C++, Rust and many others compiles the code into LLVM IR. The LLVM IR compiler will then convert the code to the assembly format.

Scala Native in Action


To develop application using Scala Native, there are a few conditions that should be met on the development environment:

  • At least JDK 8

  • Clang 6.0 or above


To use Scala Native, we need to add the SBT plugin first:

addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.4.4")

Then we can enable the plugin in build.sbt:


Unfortunately, we can't use every Scala libraries in our project. Only the libraries those are (cross)built for Scala Native can be used. To use the Scala Native version, we need to use the symbol %%% in SBT. For example, to use the library mainargs, we can add:

"com.lihaoyi" %%% "mainargs" % "0.2.2"

That's it, now we can use this library like normally and create a native application in Scala.


There are a few points to notice while building Scala Native applications. Some of them are:

  • Due to licensing issues with Oracle, all the standard Java Libraries are re-written from scratch. However, it is not expected to have any difference in processing

  • Multi Threading is not supported yet

Package and Run the Native Application

We can write a simple application which is essentially a println statement.

object SillyNativeApp {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
    println("This line is printed from a Scala Native Application")

Now, we can run the sbt command to compile and build the application as a native one.

sbt nativeLink

This will create a native executable in the target directory and it can be executed easily.

Interoperability with C Code

Scala Native can invoke C code directly. This helps to make use of c libraries to handle low level optimisations which otherwise might be difficult from Scala code.

Scala Native already has implemented wrappers around most of the standard C libraries and they can be invoked directly from the Scala code almost like any other Scala APIs.

Invoking C Wrappers

We can invoke the Scala Native provided C library wrappers very easily. For that, we need to import the wrapper method. For instance, to use C String operations, we can import:

import scala.scalanative.libc.string

Then, we can invoke the necessary method:

val strLength: CSize = string.strlen(c"Hello ScalaNative")

CSize is a ScalaNative type which is equivalent to C size_t to store the result returned by sizeof operator. The c interpolator (c"") converts the Scala String type to C style string literal. We can print the length of the string using println statement:

println("Length: "+ strLength.toLong)

We can convert a String between Scala and C using toCString() and fromCString(). However, it needs an implicit parameter Zone in the scope. Zone does the necessary memory allocation and deallocation to convert the variable.

val hello = "Hello "
val world = "World"
val helloWorld: String = Zone { implicit z =>
    val combined = string.strcat(toCString(hello), toCString(world))
println(helloWorld) //prints Hello World

Invoking Method from C File

We can also invoke methods from C files directly in Scala. For that, we need to first create a signature of the method we are going to call in our Scala File.

Let's assume that we have a custom method in C which returns the length of the input string:

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int get_length(char arr[]) {
  int len = strlen(arr);
  printf("Length of `%s` is : %d ", arr, len);
  return len;

We need to to keep this file in the Scala Native project under the path resources/scala-native/. Then we need to create a method in Scala which matches this C method signature:

object string_oper {
  def get_length(str: CString): Int = extern

The extern annotation is to inform the compiler that this method is a native method call. We will only provide the keyword extern in the method's implementation. This informs the Scala Native compiler to link an external native method when get_length is invoked.

Now, we can invoke this method from our Scala code directly:

string_oper.get_length(c"Good Morning")

Using Third Party C Libraries

In the previous section, we invoked a standard c library in a file. Let's look at how we can use third party C libraries with Scala Native application.

For this, we will be using curl library in C. We need to make sure that the required libraries are already installed in the development machine as well as in the target machine.

Let's write a C method which invokes a HTTP API to decode a base64 string. We will use curl to make the HTTP call. As usual, we will keep this file under resources/scala-native/ path.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>

void function_pt(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream){
    printf("\nResult from curl C: %d", atoi(ptr));

int base64_decode(char arr[])
  CURL *curl;
  CURLcode res;

  curl = curl_easy_init();
  if(curl) {
    char *url = "";
    char *combined = malloc(strlen(url)+strlen(arr)+1);
    strcpy(combined, url);
    strcat(combined, arr);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, combined);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);

    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, function_pt);
    printf("\nGET API Status enum value: %d \n",res);

    if(res != CURLE_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n",

  return 0;

Now that we created the C file, we can create the extern method corresponding to the C method:

object curl_app {
  def base64_decode(str: CString): Int = extern

Here, we have additionally used an annotation @link. This annotation will notify the scala native compiler to link the provided library when packaging. Please note that the library name is libcurl, but while providing we will omit lib and give only curl. This is the standard format in C to link libraries by name.

Now we can use the method base64_decode in our Scala code:

val text = "U2NhbGEgTmF0aXZl"
Zone { implicit z =>


In this article, we looked at how we can use Scala Native to build native applications. We also saw different ways to invoke C code from Scala directly. All the sample code used in this article is available in GitHub.